
Content Marketing for Boring Industries

Content Marketing for Boring Industries

Content MarketingReading Time: 2 minutes

As we all now, Content Marketing is a now a widely accepted form of digital marketing and for marketers it is often easy to write good, creative and valuable content for industries such as sport or news. For duller and less interesting industries such as finance or insurance it can be a little harder to create such compelling content. In today’s blog I want to talk about and touch on how to write content that will add value to your readers.

It’s often the case in my experience that these so called β€˜duller or β€˜boring’ industries often influence or effect our lives in much more important and direct ways that the so-called interesting industries. For example, an article of your mortgage that could save you many hundreds or thousands of pounds over the course of a 25 years mortgage, although on the face of it appear boring, but in reality it is more important to read this in detail than to read the latest sports scores.

Having said this, a lot of β€˜boring industries’ don’t really help themselves when writing content for their websites or press releases. A good example of a company who have really nailed their marketing for a so-called dull industry in Money Supermarket. They use the their annoying Tenor in all their marketing collateral and this in itself adds value as it gets people talking and debating over it. From a marketing perspective, this is perfect.

The above video is from Neil Patel, he is an award winning marketer and offers some great advice on content marketing.

Another good way to break up content for these industries is to use pictures, images and even video. Numbers for example can be used and implemented to create some wonderful images or charts and this will help break your content up and offer a good UX to your website visitors. UX or user experince is an important aspect of content marketing and this should not be overlooked when writing for your website or blog.

Do you write or create content for industries that we have spoken about here in today’s entry? If so please do share your thoughts, advice and tips on how to get the best out of your content so that it adds real value to your website visitors. After all, knowledge is power and growth is good, so please do leave thoughts in the box below.


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