
Why Video Production is Important?

Why Video Production is Important?

Video ProductionReading Time: 2 minutes

In our latest vlog and podcast, we talk about video production and why it is so important to your business and organisation. From improvements in your organic ranking right through to sharing it on social media, video production is a multifunctional part of digital marketing that should have a firm place in your digital strategy.

Video production has its roots in content marketing and in turn, this connects well to improvements with your SEO. The main reason for this is that video allows you to transfer a lot of information in a shorter and more digestible way to your website visitors. This is turn has a positive effect as it has been shown to reduce bounce rates and improve UX (user experience). As a result of this, Google and other major search engines can see that you add value to your end-users and as such, may rank you higher.

Why Video Production is Important in Digital Marketing

One of the great things about video is that it can be used and utilised in a number of different ways. For example, the video in this blog, shown above, will be uploaded onto YouTube and embedded here within this article and will also be used on our other social media channels, such as Facebook. The diversity of video means that you get a lot of value in that you can reuse it in a number of different ways. A popular way of generating more value at present from your videos is to extract and use the audio in podcasts. This can add real value to the end-user, in that you offer them a number of ways to listen to, watch and digest your content.

Depending on what your industry is and what products and services you provide, video doesn’t always have to be an expensive option. I know of a large retailer who runs a Facebook live video every week and they use it to market new products that have come in and also as a way to clear old stock. These live videos get many thousands of views and once they have finished recording, the video can be downloaded from Facebook and used again in promotional emails or on YouTube. This particular company I am talking about, only use a smartphone and wifi connection, yet manage to talk to thousands of their customers in an engaging way for very little cost.

I hope you have found this short article of some use and if you have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions for future content, then please do leave a comment in the box below.

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