
Optimising Your Wordpress Site

Optimising Your WordPress Site

Optimising Your Wordpress SiteReading Time: 3 minutes

Here at Herd Marketing we work with a number of businesses from nearly all sectors and we often get asked how to optimise an existing WordPress site so that it gets found by more people online and ultimately, leads to more sales or enquiries from the website. In today’e entry we are going to look at some of the most important plugins that we believe should be installed on all WordPress sites.

Yoast SEO – without doubt, the Yoast plugin makes SEO so much manageable and can make it very easy for even beginners to ensure that they have got the SEO basics covered. Best of all with this plugin, it’s free. It also connects with Google Search Console and once up and running can help to get your new site indexed quicker.

Social Media & Share Icons – The Ultimate Social Media plugin offers a complete way for your website users to share, like and comment on your blog content. The basic plugin is free and as with most plugins there are options to upgrade to a paid service that will offer some additional features.

Instagram Feed – This has been included as if you sell or have a visual product then Instagram can be a great way for you to show your website customers that you have a real social presence and interact with customers. In addition to this this, social media signals have also been known to help with your organic ranking. The same can also be said for embedding your Twitter feed in your blog.

Page Caching Plugins – these handy little plugins can help with the page loading speed of your site and this is a key factor in helping your site rank better. It is well known that the page speed of your site has a direct influence on your SEO.

This short video shares 10 plugins that areΒ particularly popular and useful on WordPress sites.Β 

When deciding what plugins to use, the WordPress admin is a useful tool in helping you decide which ones to use. What I mean by this is that each plugin has a review rating associated with it. This can really help you when choosing each plugin. As a general guide, the most popular and most relevant plugins, such as those mentioned in the video and paragraphs above will have the highest number of reviews. Always read both the good and bad points, so you can make the best informed decision of exactly what plugins to use and also how relevant they are to your online goals and objectives.

One of the main reasons we like to use WordPress to build websites for our clients and indeed for our own site is that is is so customisable. WordPress offers you so many options and is very easy to update, scale and grow your business. If you are currently looking for a new website for your business and would to speak to Herd Marketing then please do reach out and say hello to us on our social media pages or via the contact us page. We have worked with clients from a wide variety of different businesses and are well positioned to offer you the best advice and guidance.

PS: One of the best ways to improve UX and page speed for your WordPress website is to ensure that you have a quality hosting solution.


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